William A. Lord

Ph.D., Indiana University

Bill2Professor, Economics

Contact Information

Email: lord@umbc.edu
Office: Public Policy 328
Phone: 410-455-2498

Curriculum Vitae



Research Interests

Public Finance, Household Economics.

Recent/Selected Publications

Explaining the Revolution in U.S. Fertility, Schooling and Women’s Work Among Households Formed in 1875, 1900 and 1925,” (with Matthias Cinyabuguma and Christelle Viauroux), Research in Labor Economics, vol. 40, Ch 1, p. 1-78 (in press).

“Fertility and Development: The Roles of Schooling and Family Production,” (with Peter Rangazas), Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 11, 2006, 229-261.

Household Dynamics: Economic Growth and Policy, (2002), Oxford University Press.


(For a complete list of publications, see Curriculum Vitae)