Contact Information
Email: goldfarb@umbc.edu
Research Interests
Health Economics, Economics of Education.
Recent/Selected Publications
“Explanations for Persistent Nursing Shortages.” Forum for Health Economics and Policy (Berkeley Press online journal, with Robert Goldfarb and Mark Long), vol. 11, Issue 2, Article 10, 2008. Presented at Meetings of the Eastern Economics Association, February 2006.
“Making Sense of Competing Nursing Shortage Concepts.” Policy, Politics and Nursing Practice, August 2008; vol. 9, 3: pp. 192-202, (with Robert Goldfarb and Mark Long).
“Trauma Systems and the Costs of Trauma Care.” Health Services Research. April 1996, Vol. 31, no. 1, pp 71-95 (with Gloria Bazzoli and Rosanna Coffey).
“Change in the Medicare Case Mix Index in the 1980s and the Effect of the Prospective Payment System.” Health Services Research, August 1992, Vol. 27, no. 3, pp 385-415 (with Rosanna Coffey). Presented at American Public Health Association Meetings, October 1987 and at American Economics Association Meetings, December 1987.
“DRGs and Disease Staging for Reimbursing Medicare Patients.” Medical Care, September 1986, Vol. 24, No. 9, pages 814-829 (with Rosanna Coffey). Presented at Meetings of the American Public Health Association, October 1983.
“Discrimination Against Women.” in Edwin Dale and Gustav Schachter, An Economist Looks at Society (Xerox Publishing Corporation, 1973), pages 37-56.
(For a complete list of publications, see Curriculum Vitae)