Welcome Area


Welcome New & Interested Economics & Financial Economics Majors!  We would like to share with you some information about the opportunities that majoring in our program would make available.  If you’re interested in Computer Science and/or Mathematics, we’ll provide some links below on economists who have incorporated such interests in their work.  Feel free to explore our Economics Department website.  It’s rich in information about our programs, our faculty and staff, and opportunities for students, like student organizations, scholarships and internships.

DavidMessage from the Chair



Using Our Website



Information about Economics Department Faculty

The Best of the Best!

What You Can Do With a Degree in Economics or Financial Economics

The Sloan Foundation & UMBC Economics

UMBC’s $1.3 Million Grant

The Society for Computational Economics

There is so much more to share about opportunities in Economics at UMBC.  For questions and information you can start by contacting the Economics Department adviser, Rob Pawloski at rpawloski@umbc.edu . He can give you information directly or see that you are directed to the appropriate contact.
If you have an interest in accounting, the Director of the Accounting Program at UMBC is Suzann Medicus medicus@umbc.edu.
We hope that you will give our program serious consideration and would be delighted to welcome you to our department this coming semester!
With all best wishes for your future success, health, and well-being…
David Mitch
Professor of Economics and Department Chair