Wendy Takacs

Professor, Economics
Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University


Curriculum Vitae

 Research Interests: International Economics, International Trade.




Recent/Selected Publications

“Protective Regimes and Trade Reform” in Lukausas, Arvid, Robert M. Stern, and Gianni Zanini, eds. Handbook of Trade Policy for Development Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 301-334.

“Pricing Policy under Double Market Power: Madagascar and the International Vanilla Market”, Review of Development Economics Vol. 4 No. 1 (2000) pp.1-20 (with Melo, Jaime de and Marcelo Olarreaga).

“Tarrifying Auctions” Rand Journal of Economics Vol. 30 No. 1( Spring, 1999) pp. 158-179 (with McAfee, R. Preston and Daniel Vincent).

“A Primer on the MFA Maze” The World Economy Vol. 18 No. 1 (January, 1995) pp. 113-135 (with Faini, Riccardo and Jaime de Melo).

“Domestic Content and Compensatory Export Requirements: Protection of the Motor Vehicle Industry in the Philippines” World Bank Economic Review Vol. 8 (1994) pp. 127-149.

“Domestic Content and Compensatory export Requirements: Motor Vehicle Protection in Uruguay” in Connolly, Michael, and Jaime de Melo, eds. The effects of Protectionism in a Small Country: The Case of Uruguay Washington, DC: The World Bank, 1994 pp.64-80.

“La liberalisation du commerce au Mali: une analyse du jumelage entre achats domestiques et attribution des licences d’importation” (“Trade Liberalization in Mali: An Analysis of Linking Domestic Purchases and Import License Allocations”) Revue d’Economie du Developpement Vol. 3 (1993) pp. 81-101.

“The Effects of EC-92 on the Multi-Fibre Arrangement” European Economic Review Vol. 36 (1992) pp. 527-538 (with Faini, Riccardo and Jaime de Melo).

“Labour Adjustment Costs and British Footwear Protection” Oxford Economic Papers, Vol.43 (1991) pp. 479-501 (with L. Alan Winters).

“Pressures for Protectionism: An Empirical Analysis”, Economic Inquiry Vol. 19 (October 1981) pp. 687-693.

“Differential Responses to Price and Exchange Rate Influences in the Foreign Trade of Selected Industrial Countries” Review of Economics and Statistics Vol. LXI No. 2 (May, 1979) pp. 267-279 (with Wilson, John F.).

“The Nonequivalence of Tariffs, Import Quotas, and Voluntary Export Restraints”, Journal of International Economics Vol. 8 (November 1978) pp. 565-573.