Michael Andrews

Associate Professor, Economics

Ph.D., University of Iowa


Contact Information:

Email: mandrews@umbc.edu
Office: Public Policy
Phone: TBA



Curriculum Vitae, Personal Website

Research Interests: Economic History, Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Applied Microeconomics. 

Working Papers and Work in Progress:

How Do Institutions of Higher Education Affect Local Invention? Evidence from the Establishment of U.S. Colleges. (Submitted)

Bar Talk: Informal Social Interactions, Alcohol Prohibition, and Invention.

Historical Patent Data: A Primer and Some Pitfalls. (Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy)

Local Effects of Land Grant Colleges on Agricultural Innovation and Output. (Submitted, Prepared for the NBER Volume “Economics of Research and Innovation in Agriculture”)

150 Years of the Geography of Innovation (with Alex Whalley, submitted).

The Innovator Next Door: Intra-City Clustering of Inventors and Entrepreneurs (with Ryan Reed Hill).

The Location of Agricultural Research and the Direction of Agricultural Innovation.

Adverse Selection in the Market for Patents: Evidence from Early 20th Century Illinois (with Huseyin Ҫağri Akkoyun and Rajkamal Vasu)


Selected Publications:

Changes in the Demographics of American Inventors, 1870-1940. Explorations in Economic History, Vol. 74, 2019 (with Sarada and Nicolas L. Ziebarth)

Dissertation Summary: Fuel of Interest and Fire of Genius: Essays on the Economic History of Innovation, Journal of Economic History, Vol. 79, No. 2, June 2019, pgs. 514-517

(For a complete list of publications, see Curriculum Vitae)