Seminar Series

Fall 2024


David Alonzo

When: Tuesday,10/15/24 Time: 11:45-1pm
Where: WebEx
Title of the Presentation: “Marrying Your Job: Matching and Mobility with Geographic Heterogeneity”

Abstract: This paper examines the effects of geographic heterogeneity in occupational returns on marriage market outcomes and the impact of family formation on the geographic distribution of labor. I document that workers living in cities that pay relatively lower wages to their occupation (i.e., workers who have higher potential pecuniary returns from migration) are less likely to marry and more likely to divorce. Using a structural model of migration and family formation, I assess individual and aggregate effects of marriage and location choices through counterfactual experiments. I find that, overall, the marriage-market amenity enhances productivity by drawing workers to high-return locations.

More Info:


Bernard Ganglmair

When: Monday, 9/30/24 Time: 11:45-1pm
Where: In-Person
Title of the Presentation: “Regulatory Compliance with Limited Enforceability: Evidence from Privacy Policies”

Abstract: We study how asymmetric enforceability of regulatory rules affects firms’ compliance using a simple inspection model and a large sample of German privacy policies. We exploit the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation, compelling firms to disclose, in accessible language, details of their data use. The specifics of disclosure are objective, whereas readability is subjective and difficult to enforce. We show that firms increased disclosure, but the policy readability did not improve. In line with theory, firms anticipating regulatory scrutiny and those facing higher-budget data protection authorities demonstrated a stronger response in readability compliance without sizeable effects on disclosure.

More Info:


Marco Errico

When: Tuesday, 9/17/24 Time: 11:45-1pm
Where: WebEx
Title of the Presentation: “Oligopolies in Trade and Transportation: Implications for the Gains from Trade”

Abstract: Transportation services are crucial for goods to move globally; however, given the concentration in the industry, and its interaction with granular importers, the realized gains from trade differ from standard theories. We study the interplay between oligopoly in the transportation industry and oligopsony power retained by non-atomistic importers. We leverage transaction-level data from Chilean customs to document several empirical facts: (i) market concentration in the transportation sector and among importers, and (ii) that transportation prices are highly dispersed and are the outcome of bilateral negotiations. We then develop a trade model that departs from the usual iceberg cost assumption and allows for bargaining with two-sided market power in the transportation industry. We find that transport carriers charge large markups (on average 2), but importers benefit from substantial bargaining power (markdown of 0.85 and Nash bargaining 2.5 times larger). Finally, we embed the bilateral bargaining framework into a quantitative trade model of importing. We show that market concentration reduces the pass-through of tariff shocks to gains from trade, and that the welfare implications of trade liberalization are different when accounting for the strategic interaction between the transportation sector and importers.

More Info:



Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time /
Marco Errico
Banca Italia
“Oligopolies in Trade and Transportation: Implications for the Gains from Trade” WEB

12:00 – 1:00 pm

Bernhard Ganglmair
University of Mannheim
“Regulatory Compliance with Limited Enforceability: Evidence from Privacy Policies” IN PERSON

11:45 am – 1:00 pm / PUP 467

Davide Alonzo
University of Montreal
“Marrying Your Job: Matching and Mobility with Geographic Heterogeneity” WEB

11:45 am – 1:00 pm

Catherine van der List
University of Essex

11:45 am – 1:00 pm / PUP 467

Gaia Dossi
London School of Economics

11:45 am – 1:00 pm



Fall 2020


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Analisa Packham
Vanderbilt University
Dying to Work: Effects of Unemployment Insurance on Health 12:00pm
Andrew Friedson
U Colorado, Denver
Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing, and COVID-19a 12:00pm
Jamil Scott
Georgetown University
TBA 12:00pm

Spring 2020


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Benjamin Liebman
Saint Joseph’s University .
Casualties of Trade Wars 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Jamil S. Scott
Georgetown University
Reconsidering Gender Stereotypes with an
Intersectional Lens
1:00 pm
PUP 367
Jonathan Wright
Johns Hopkins University
The Excess Sensitivity of Long-Term Rates:
A Tale of Two Frequencies
1:00 pm
PUP 367
Isabella Alcañiz
University of Maryland
The Role of Race and Immigration in Shaping Attitudes
about Disaster Assistance in the United States
1:00 pm
PUP 367
Stephie Fried
Arizona State University
Seawalls and Stilts: A Quantitative Macro Study of
Climate Adaptation
1:00 pm
PUP 367
Ayhan Kose
The World Bank
Global Confidence Cycles 1:00 pm
PUP 367

Fall 2019


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Anthony Diercks
The Federal Reserve Board
Taxes and the Fed: Theory and Evidence from Equities 2:00 pm
PUP 367
Eunhee Lee
University of Maryland, College Park
Trade, Jobs, and Worker Welfare 2:00 pm
PUP 367
Lyudmyla Ardan (Sonchak)
Susquehanna University
Impacts of Prenatal Care on Early Childhood Health and Health Care Utilization 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Paul Carrillo
George Washington University
Counterfactual Dissimilarity: Can Changes in Demographics and Income Explain Increased Racial Integration in U.S. Cities? 2:00 pm
PUP 367
Daniel Hammermesh
University of Texas, Austin
O Youth and Beauty: Children’s Looks and Children’s Cognitive Development 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Angela K. Henneberger, University of Maryland, Baltimore Student and School Concentrated Poverty: What Are The Long Term Consequences for Academic and Career Outcomes? 2:00 pm
PUP 367
Jose Ciro Martinez
University of Cambridge
Site of Resistance or Apparatus of Acquiescence?  Tactics at the Bakery 2:00 pm
PUP 367


Spring 2019



Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Carola Binder
Haverford College
Political Pressures on Central Banks 1:00 pm
PUP 367
George R. La Noue
Social Sciences as a Contact Sport: Memoirs of Trial Expert 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Dylan Conger George Washington University The Effect of Advanced Placement Science on Students’ Skills, Confidence, and Stress 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Elenev Johns Hopkins University Quantitative Tightening 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Amanda Y. Agan, Rutgers University The Minimum Wage, EITC, and Criminal Recidivism 1:00 pm
PUP 367
Gabriel P. Mathy, American University A Measure of Our Ignorance: Mismeasuring the Solow Residual and the Implications for Real Business Cycle Models 1:00 pm
PUP 367
David Farkas
Bureau of Revenue Estimates, the Comptroller of Maryland
Taxpayer Participation Rate: The Decline of Tax Filing and its Repercussions 1:30 pm
PUP 367

Fall 2018


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Paul Morgan
Penn State University
Are Students of Color Being Over- or Under-Identified as Having Disabilities as They Attend U.S. Schools? 4:00 pm
Commons 329
Jeryl Mumpower
Texas A&M University
Mispredicting Behaviors of Racial and Ethnic Minority Group Members: Evidence from Signal Detection Theory in Three Social Policy Domains 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Cecilia Rouse
Princeton University
ROI or RIP? Higher Education and the Future of America 4:00 pm
AOK Library, 7th floor
Sophie Osotimehin
University of Quebec, Montreal
Misallocation and Intersectoral Linkages 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Richard Blissett
Seton Hall University
The Ideological Politics of Charter Schools 4:00 pm
PUP 367
Howard Bloom
Lessons from New York City’s Small Schools of Choice about High-School Features that Promote Graduation for Disadvantaged Students 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Alexander F. McQuoid
U.S. Naval Academy
Exposure to International Trade and Mortality 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Zoe McLaren
UMBC School of Public Policy
HIV Treatment as Economic Stimulus: Community Spillover Effects of Mass ART Provision in Rural South Africa 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Lynn Addington
American University
Using the National Intimate and Sexual Violence Survey to Explore Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Individuals 12:00 pm
PUP 451


Spring 2018


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Anna Bykova
New Research University Higher School of Economics,Russia
Firm Performance and Regional Economic Freedom 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Elizabeth Farley-Ripple
School of Education
University of Delaware
Beyond outcomes: Using and accessing administrative data to understand the educational system. 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Scott Farrow
Economics Department
Modeling Social Rates of Return Resulting from University R & D on Homeland Security Operations 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Ira Gang
Economics Department,
Rudgers University
Migration and household informal activity 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Bernadette Hanlon
City and Regional Planning
Knowlton School
Ohio State University
From old suburb to post-suburb: The politics of retrofit in an inner suburb of Columbus, Ohio 12:00 pm
PUP 451

Fall 2017


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Erica Schoenberger
Johns Hopkins University
State, City, Market 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Constance Lindsay
Urban Institute
The Long-Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Michael Hansen
Brookings Institute
Opportunity Culture Evaluation 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Susan Sterett
UMBC School of Public Policy
Collaboration as Big Data Ethics 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Joseph Newhouse
Harvard University
How Well Can Government Regulate Adverse Selection in Individual Health Insurance? 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Matthew Chingos
Urban Institute
The Long-Term Effects of Private School Choice: Evidence from Florida 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Anna Bykova
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Economic Freedom and the Performance of Russian Companies 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Bernadette Hanlon
The Ohio State University
Global Migration: The Basics 12:00 pm
PUP 367

Spring 2017


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Aaron Kupchik
Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware
The Real School Safety Problem: The Long-Term Consequences of Harsh School Punishment 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Francesc Ortega
Economics Department, Queens College CUNY
Estimating the Economic Contribution of Unauthorized Workers in the United States 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Donald F. Norris
School of Public Policy, UMBC
Cyber Security at the Grasssroots: Results of the First Nationwide Survey of American Local Government Cyber Security Problems and Practices 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Carl Lin
Economics Department, Bucknell University
Can the Minimum Wage Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Urban China. 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Robert Margo
Department of Economics, Boston University, and Research Associate, NBER
The Persistence of Racial Inequality: An Intergenerational Perspective 4:00 pm
Library, 7th Floor
Lina Maria Martinez
Political Science, Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia
Empirical evidence for decision making in a traumatized city 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Debin Ma
Economic History, London School of Economics
Monetary Integration in Times of Political Disintegration – Silver Exchanges between Shanghai and Tianjin in Early 20th Century China. 12:00 pm
PUP 451

Fall 2016


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Ivo Bischoff
University of Kassel
Local Council Members’ View on Inter-Municipal Cooperation: Does Office-Related Self Interest Matter? 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Dan Hicks
University of Oklahoma
Air Pollution and Pro-Cyclical Mortality: Causal Evidence from Thermal Inversions 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Nuria Rodriguez Planas
Queens College
Social Norms and Teenager Smoking, The Dark Side of Gender Equality 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Lora Cohen Vogel
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
TBD 12:00 pm
Jane Lincove
UMBC School of Public Policy
Overworked or Overpaid? A Longitudinal Analysis of Principal Compensation in a Context of Increasing School Autonomy 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Tim Pawlowski
University of Tuebingen
Sport Participation and Social Capital Formation 12:00 pm
PUP 367

Spring 2016


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Seth Gershenson
American University
Gender, Peer Advising, and Postsecondary Educational Success 12:00 pm
Soohyung Lee
University of Maryland
The Impact of School and Classroom Gender Composition on Educational Achievement 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Doug Lauen
UNC, Chapel Hill
Department of Public Policy and
Department of Sociology
School Poverty Contextual Effects 4:00 pm
PUP 431
Don Norris and Anupam Joshi
Don Norris, UMBC School of Public Policy — Cyber Security Challenges to American Local Governments; and Anupam Joshi, Department of
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering — Policy Driven Approaches to Security
12:00 pm
PUP 367
David Deming
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Paul Ferraro
The Microeconomics of Technology:  Climate Change Adaptation Through Resource Conserving Technologies 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Jessica Sowa
University of Baltimore
Retaining Critical Human Capital: Volunteer Firefighters in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Ben Castleman
UVA Batten School of
Leadership and Policy
Knowing When and Who To Nudge in Education:  Evidence from Text Messaging Experiments 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Farah Farahati, UMBC
Scott Nystrom, U.S. Health and Human Services Department
Economic Spillover Analysis from Public Medical Countermeasure Investments: A Case Study of NexoBrid (R) 12:00 pm
PUP 367

Fall 2015


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
James Fenske
Economics Department
University of Oxford, U.K.
Dust Exposure and Infant Mortality in West Africa 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Tim Brennan
Economics/Public Policy
Opening the ‘Open Internet’ 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Ian Anson
Department of Political Science
Partisan Media and the Political Conditioning of Economic Perceptions 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Todd Nesbit
Department of Economics
Ohio State University
Impact of Tobacco Taxation and its Influence on Illegal Sales of Tobacco Products 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Ali Khan
Department of Economics
Johns Hopkins University
TBA 2:00 pm
PUP 367
Evan Perlman
Public Policy
What are the True Employment and Wage Impacts of Casinos? 2:00 pm
PUP 367
Kelly E. Carter
School of Business
Morgan State University
You Pitch In, I Pitch In, We All Pitch In: The Contributions of Labor and Management to Their Complementarities in a Competitive Environment 12:00 pm
PUP 367

Spring 2015


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Peter Henry
NYU Stern School of Business
 Data and Discipline: The Science of Economic Turnaround 4:00 pm
Library Gallery
Marc Law
University of Vermont
 Political Centralization,Federalism, and Urban Development: Evidence from U.S. and Canadian Capital Cities 12:00 pm
PUP 367
Isaiah Andrews
Harvard University
Weak Identification: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. 4:00 pm
PUP 367
Jamie Chriqui
Health Policy and Administration
University of Illinois Chicago
 Obesity-related policies: Influences on communities, schools, and individual outcomes 12:00 pm
PUP 451
Sanjay Pandey
Trachtenberg School,
George Washington University
Does Mission Matter for Social Enterprise?: A study of US arts and cultural organizations 2:00 pm
PUP 451
Gregory Clark
University of California Davis
TBA 4:00 pm
Library Gallery
David Deming
Grad. School of Education,
Harvard University
The Value of Postsecondary Credentials in the Labor Market: an experimental study 2:00 pm
PUP 451
Teresa Romano
Department of Economics,
Goucher College
Gaming the System? Teacher Responses to Changes in Accountability 2:00 pm
PUP 451
Seth Gitter
Department of Economics,
Towson University
Welfare Impacts of Rising Quinoa Prices: Evidence from Peru 2:00 pm
PUP 451
Steve Hemelt
University of North Carolina
TBA 2:00 pm
PUP 451

Fall 2014


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
John Parman
Dept of Economics,
William and Mary
Adoption and Adult Outcomes in the Early 20th Century. 2:00 pm
PUP 203
Stephen F. Ross
Institute for Sports Law, Policy and Research,
The Pennsylvania State University
The Unforeseen Anticompetitive and Racially Discriminatory Effects of Baseball’s North American Draft 4:00 pm
UC 312
Darrell Gaskin
School of Public Health,
Johns Hopkins University
Where you live really does matter. The impact of community level factors on the mortality of life
insurance enrollees.
PUP 204
Inas Kelly
Dept of Economics,
Queens College and CUNY Grad. Center
Proximate and Economic Determinants of Obesity: A Cross-National Analysis. 2:00pm
PUP 204
Robert A. Lawson
O’Neil Center for Global Markets and Freedom,
Southern Methodist University
Economic Freedom and the Wealth and Health of Nations. 4:00 pm
U Library
7th floor
Sara Heller
Dept of Criminology,
University of Pennsylvania
The Effects of Summer Jobs on Disadvantaged Youth. 2:00 pm
PUP 204
11/20 (TH) David Autor
Dept of Economics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Will the Workplace of the Future Have Any Workers? Technological Change, Employment, and the Structure of Jobs. 4:00 pm
Library Gallery

Spring 2014

Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Carolyn Moehling
Rutgers and NBER
Melissa Thomasson
Miami U. and NBER
The Swan Song of the Country Doctor: Flexner and the Economics and Practice of Medicine 3:00 pm
PUP 204
Leah Boustan
Dept of Economics
 To the New World and Back Again: Return Migration and Upward Mobility 12:00 pm
PUP 451

Spring 2013

Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Karen Clay
Carnegie Mellon Heinz School
Coal, Smoke, and Death: Bituminous Coal and American Home Heating, 1920-1959. 2:00 pm
PUP 438
Lesley Turner
Dept of Economics
University of Maryland
The Impact of Financial Aid on Program of Study and Educational Attainment. 2:00 pm
PUP 438
Kasey Buckles
Dept of Economics
Notre Dame University
The Effect of College Education on Health. 2:00 pm
PUP 438
Robert Kaestner
Dept of Economics
University of Illinois Chicago
TBA. 2:00 pm
PUP 438
Christy Chapin
Dept of History
Ensuring America’s Health: The Role of Insurance Companies in the Health Care System’s Development. 2:00 pm
PUP 438


Fall 2012


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
09/14 Nadwa Mossaad
Public Policy dept
The Consequences of Increased Enforcement of Legal Minimum Wages in a Developing Country: An evaluation of the impact of the Campaña Nacional de Salarios Mínimos in Costa Rica 12:00 pm
PUP 438
09/28 Joanne Tsu
Federal Reserve
Aging and Strategic Learning: The Impact of Spousal Incentives on Financial Literacy 12:00 pm
PUP 438
10/12 Marv Mandell and Nicole Stewart
Public Policy dept
The Impact of Qualified Census Tract Designation on Low Income Housing Tax Credit Development 12:00 pm
PUP 438
10/24 Sean Reardon
School of Education
Stanford University
The Effect of NCLB on Narrowing Achievement Gaps Between Minority and White Students 12:00 pm
PUP 438
11/29 Brent Gibbons
Public Policy dept
Working with a Severe Mental Illness: Stressful or Salubrious for Overall Mental Health? 12:00 pm
PUP 438
12/7 David Frisvold 
Dept of Economics
Emory University
Nutrition and Cognitive Achievement: An Evaluation of the School Breakfast Program 2:00 pm
PUP 438


Fall 2011


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Darrell Gaskin
School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins
Healthcare Disparities — Race, Place, or Both? 12:00 pm
PUP 438
Timothy Moore
Dept of Economics
University of Maryland
Employment Effects of Terminating Disability Benefits: Insights from Removing Drug Addictions as Disabling Conditions 12:00 pm
PUP 438
Nicola Tynan
Dickenson College
TBA 12:00 pm
PUP 438
11/10 (TH) Roy Meyers
Dept of Political Science
Why the Supercommittee isn’t Super: Improving How the Federal Government Allocates Resources and Sets Priorities 12:00 pm
PUP 438
11/17 (TH) Thomas Peeters
University of Antwerp
An Empirical Contest Model of the English Premier League 12:00 pm
PUP 438


Spring 2011


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
Michael Grossman
The Impact of National Health Insurance on Birth Outcomes: A Natural Experiment in Taiwan 2:00 pm
PUP 438
Erin Todd Bronchetti
Swarthmore College
When a Nudge Isn’t Enough: Defaults and Saving Among Low-Income Tax Filers 12:00 pm
PUP 438
Damon Clark
University of Florida
TBA 2:00 pm
PUP 438
Roy Meyers
Political Science
How does the Federal Government ‘Set Priorities’ and How Should It? 12:00 pm
PUP 438
Dennis Coates and Tim Gindling 
Economics dept
Are Hispanic Immigrant Families Reviving the Economies of America’s Small Towns? 12:00 pm
PUP 438


Fall 2010



Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
John Rennie Short
The Postcolonial Creative City: an Antipodean Case Study 12:00 pm
PUP 203
Peter Hinrichs
Georgetown University
Affirmative Action Bans and College Graduation Rates 12:00 pm
PUP 203
Sergio Prada
Level-I Trauma Center Effects on Return to Work Outcomes 12:00 pm
PUP 203
Bing Ma
Economics dept
Socioeconomic Status and Overweight and Obesity: How Does the Gradient Change with Age? New Evidence from China 12:00 pm
PUP 203
Eric Slade
Access to VA Assertive Community Treatment Services: Effects on Mental Health Costs 12:00 pm
PUP 203
Jens Ludwig
University of Chicago
The Effects of School Desegregation on Crime 12:00 pm
PUP 203


Spring 2010


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time and
02/25 Erdal Tekin
Georgia State University
Child Care Subsidies and Child Development 2:00 PM
PUP 203
03/4 David Figlio
Northwestern University
Competitive effects of means-tested school vouchers 2:00 PM
PUP 203
03/10 Lisa Dickson
Do Universities Practice Gender Sensitive Admissions? 12:00 PM
PUP 203
04/14 George LaNoue
Methodological and Conceptional Issues in Writing a Book on the History of UMBC 12:00 PM
PUP 203
04/22 Christelle Viauroux
Stable Schedule Matchings using a Fixed Point Method 12:00 PM
PUP 203
04/29 Scott Farrow
A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Slot Machine Gambling in Maryland 12:00 PM
PUP 203
04/30 Sheila Olmstead
Yale University
The Value of Scarce Urban Water 11:00 AM
PUP 367
05/6 Burt Barnow
Johns Hopkins University
Setting Up Social Experiments: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. 12:00 PM
PUP 203


Fall 2009


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time and
10/7 Frances Carter
Estimation of Average Treatment Effects of On-campus, Academic Year Research on STEM PhD Pursuit for Talented, Underrepresented Minorities 12:00 PM
PUP 203
10/9 Martha Bailey
University of Michigan
The impact of US Family Planning Programs: Evidence from the War on Poverty and Title X 2:00 PM
10/16 Melinda Miller
US Naval Academy
Destroyed By Slavery?: The Effect of Slavery on African-American Family Formation Following Emancipation. 12:00 PM
PUP 367
10/21 Gary Burtless 
Brooking Institution
Is There Evidence Workers Are Rational in Preparing for Retirement? 12:00 PM
PUP 203
11/13 Allen Fawcett 
Environmental Protection Agency
Cap-and-trade bill 12:00 PM
11/18 Joseph Sabia
American University
Parental Involvment Laws, Sexual Activity, and Youth Suicide 12:00 PM
PUP 203
12/2 Laura Hussey 
TBA 12:00 PM
PUP 203
12/ 9 Tim Brennan 
Behavioral vs. standard economics: A dozen observations against, for & tied. 12:00 PM
PUP 203

Fall 2008


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time and
09/9 Tim Gindling and Sara Poggio
Family separation and re-unification as a factor in the United States 12:00 PM
PUP 204
09/17 Jonah Rockoff
Columbia University
Does mentoring reduce turnover and improve skills of new employees? Evidence from teachers in New York City 12:00 PM
PUP 203
09/29 Carolyn Hill
Georgetown University
Longer-term effects of the Tulsa Public Schools pre-K program 12:00 PM
PUP 203
10/8 Bill Rothstein
The great twentieth-century pandemic of coronary heart disease: How well do we understand it? 12:00 PM
PUP 203
10/15 Judy Shinogle
Determinants and costs of physical inactivity 12:00 PM
PUP 203
10/29 Dylan Conger
George Washington University
The effects of native language instruction on how quickly English learners can acquire proficiency 12:00 PM
PUP 203
11/12 Ted Joyce
Baruch College
TBA 12:00 PM
PUP 203
11/19 Don Norris
UMBC, Public Policy
Disirregardless of the facts, Ma’am: Technology, public opinion, advocacy groups and policy outcomes affection election administration in Maryland 12:00 PM
203 PUP
12/3 Jason Fletcher
Yale University
Peer influences on alcohol consumption 12:00 PM
204 PUP

Fall 2007


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time and
09/26 Betsey Stevenson
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
Beyond the Classroom: Using Title IX to
Measure the Return to High School Sports
12:00 PM
204 PUP
10/10 Randi Hjmalarsson
UMCP(co-sponsored with Public Policy)
Crime and Expected Punishment 12:00 PM
PUP 203
10/17 Krishna Ladha
Paradox of Unbiased Public Information 12:00 PM
367 PUP
10/24 James Hilger
Federal trade Commission
TBA 12:00 PM
367 PUP
10/29 David Walker, Government Accountability Office
Elmendorf, Brookings Institution
Butler, Heritage FoundationBixby, Concord Coalition
U.S. Fiscal Situation 5:00 PM
Lecture Hall V
Grad Student session 3:00
11/14 Melissa Kearney
University of Maryland- College Park
TBA 12:00 PM
Public Policy
Seminar Room
(4th floor PUP)
12/5 David Mitch
Dept of Economics
TBA 12:00 PM
Public Policy
Seminar Room
(4th floor PUP)

Fall 2005


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time and Location
10/26 Scott Farrow
Department of Economics
When Is Some Number Better Than No Number 12:00 PM
367 PUP
11/11 Dennis Coates
Department of EconomicsUMBC
Spending on Sports: Evidence from the Consumer Expenditure Survey 4:00 PM
367 PUP

Fall 2004


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time Location
10/6 Bill Lord
Department of Economics
Family Production and Economic Growth 1:00 PM
PUP 367
11/11 William J. Baumol
New York University
Independent Entrepreneurs and Giant Enterprises: The David-Goliath Pertnership? 4:00 PM
AOK Library 7th Floor
11/12 Nandita Dasgupta
Dept of Economics
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to India Since the 1990s–Issues and Challenges: Comparison with China 1:00 PM
PUP 367
11/19 Roger Betancourt
University of Maryland College Park
The Role of the State in a “Democratic” transition: Cuba 1:00 PM
PUP 367

Spring 2004


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
03/14 Leandro Prados de la Escosura
Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Georgetown University
Long-Run International
Inequality in Real Income and Human Development: Evidence from Europe and the New World
1:00 pm
04/2 Kenneth Koford
University of Delaware
Experiments on trust and Bargaining in Bulgaria:
The Effects of Institutions and Culture
1:00 pm
04/16 Bryan L. Boulier and Herman Stekler
George Washington University
Evaluating National Football League Choices: The Passing Game 1:00 pm
Public Policy
Seminar Room

Fall 2003


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
09/24 Mark A. Carlson
Federal Reserve Board of Govenors
Were There Other Ways Out? Bank Failures During the Panics
of the Great Depression
1:00 pm
Admin 829
10/10 Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong
National Science Foundation and
University of South Florida
Alcohol Availability and Crime: A Robust Approach 1:00 pm
Admin 829
10/15 Tim Gindling
The Effects of Legal Minimum Wages in Costa Rica on
Wages, Employment, Hours Worked and Monthly Earnings Throughout the Distribution
1:00 pm
Admin 829
11/10 Daniel Hamermesh
University of Texas
Time Use, Time Crunch and Work Time in America 3:00 pm
AOK Library 7th Floor

Spring 2003


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
03/10 John Robst
Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services
“Estimation of a Hedonic Pricing Model for Medigap Insurance” 1:00
04/4 Laura Razzolini
University of Mississippi,
National Science Foundation
“Raising Revenues for Charity: Auctions Versus
1:00 pm
Admin 829
04/4 Stanley Engerman
University of Rochester
“Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Paths of Development among New World
8:00 pm
Commons 318
04/11 Hakan Berument
Bilken University
treasury Auction Interest Rates and Economic
Performance in Turkey
Admin 829
04/16 Eva Marikova
LeedsMoravian College
Michael Leeds
Temple University
Irina Pistolet
Temple University
What’s in a Name? The Value of Naming Rights 1:00 pm
Admin 829 
05/2 Bill Lord
“Re-thinking the Early Decline in American Fertility” 1:00 pm
Admin 829

Fall 2002


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
09/26 Phil Cook
Duke University
“Evaluating Gun Policy”(Sponsored by Social Sciences Forum) 4:00 pm
UC 312
11/14 Gregory Mankiw
Harvard University
“Economics Education and Economic Policy:
From the Classroom to the White House”
7th Annual Jack Mullen Lecture
4:00 pm
AOK Library
7th floor
12/6 Robert Goldfarb
George Washington University
“Inequality of What Among Whom: Rival Conceptions of Distribution in the
20th Century”
1:00 pm
Admin 829

Spring 2002


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time and Location
03/4 Malay K. Dey
Morgan State
Order Time, Multiple Shocks,
and Short Selling in Security Price Adjustment
1:00 pm
Admin 829
03/15 Dennis Coates
Voting on Stadium and Arena Subsidies 1:00 pm
Admin 829
04/10 Mike Bailey
Georgetown University
Do States Race to the
1:00 PM
Admin 829
04/15 Burton Malkiel
A Random Walker Looks Back: Is the Stock Market Predictable After All?Sponsored by a generous donation from TIAA-CREF 4:00 PM
AOK Library
7th floor
05/1 Tim Gindling
Causes of Changing Earnings Inequality in Costa Rica 1:00
Admin 829
05/3 Tim HaabOhio
State University
Information Conveyance on
Behavioral Changes from Perceived Risks: An
Application to Seafood Consumption and Pfiesteria Piscicida
1:00 pm
Admin 829
05/8 Shoshana Grossbard-Schectman
San Diego State University
Marriage and the Economy 1:00
Admin 829

Fall 2001


Date Speaker Presentation Title/Topic Time
09/14 George Deltas
FTC and University of Illinois U.C.
“Passenger Shipping Cartels and Their Effect on transatlantic Migration” 1:00 pm
Admin 829
10/16 Alice Rivlin
The Brookings Institution
“Reviving the Economy: What Can Policies Do?”
6th Annual Jack Mullen Lecture
4:00 pm
Albin O. Kuhn
(7th floor)

Spring 2001


Date Speaker Presentation
03/30 Nathan Rosenberg
“America’s University/Industry Interfaces, 1945-2000” 7:45 pm
UC 312
02/15 Philip Keefer
Development Research Group
The World Bank
“When do special interests run
rampant? Disentangling the role of elections, incomplete information, and
checks and balances in banking crises.”
1:00 pm
UC Ballroom
03/27 Stanley Black
Chapel Hill, IMF
Economic Reform in Mongolia 1:00 pm

Fall 2000


Date Speaker Presentation
09/13 Jim Bessen
Research on Innovation
“The Skills of the Unskilled in the American Industrial
1:00 pm
Adm 829
09/25 Partha Dasgupta
University of Cambridge
Resource Policy in Imperfect Economies
5th Annual Jack Mullen Lecture
4:00 pm
Albin O. Kuhn
Library Gallery
10/3 Tyler Cowan
George Mason University
“The Economics of Global Culture”
(Lecture sponsored by the UMBC Social Sciences and Humanities Forums)
4:00 pm
Albin O. Kuhn
Library Gallery
11/30 Peyton Young
Johns Hopkins Univerity
“The Evolution of Social Institutions”
(Sponsors: Social Sciences Forum, Department of Economics, Department of
Political Science)
4:00 pm
Albin O. Kuhn
Library Gallery

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